A Few of My Favorite Things and Other Tidbits About Me.
I love colorful walls and fresh flowers
Girls in dresses and boys with dirty hands make me smile
I married the man I fell in love with during high school
We have three awesomely creative and adventurous children
I like clothes on a line drying in the sun
My favorite place to be is on a blanket in the grass or sand, day or night
Cuddling in bed on rainy days with the door open so I can hear the rain and smell that fresh rain smell
happens to be one of those rare So. Cal things I long for
I love to own things that have a story
Children's laughter makes me melt and fills my heart with Joy
I spent part of my childhood learning how to tend a garden, can fruits and veggies, raise animals, chop wood and shoot a gun.
When I was younger I had a thing for Ernst of Swiss Family Robinson
Old movies and Big Band music have a special place in my childhood memory bank
I love entertaining but cherish those quiet moments just as much
My GrandMum taught me how to be an extraordinary wife
and My Papa taught me how to create with my hands and wax a handlebar mustache.
The most important thing, Ever, is LOVE.